Wednesday, 1 September 2021


Hi Everyone, its been a while since we've posted on the blog page, (I'll let you in on a little secret: Blogger wouldn't let me sign in without the correct password!) but we are still here and continue to shoot. Cobram Pistol Club has experienced a resurgence in membership since our last post in 2017. The blog has generated quite a bit of interest, and some of our new members have invited their friends to come and shoot, who have then signed up, and then told their mates, etc. We've also had enquiries from people moving up to the Cobram / Yarrawonga area for work, who need a club nearby so they can continue to shoot.

Cobram has also been able to field a VAPA practical finals team for the past 4 years running, with our A Team being narrowly pipped for the prize only by a matter of 10 to 20 points a couple of years in a row. 

COVID has been quite disruptive to the club's events over the past 2 years, the Practical finals have been cancelled 2 years running now, but at least we have been able to have at least 2 or 3 shoots a month at a club level when we are allowed to. 

Full recoil...

XMAS Shoot - Steel Challenge

Service Match - 50yds: Boasey and Mick on the firing line

Bernie and Sam racing against the timer

Cowgirl 'Precious Pearl' having finished her Single Action practice came over and had a crack at ICORE. (With a single action revolver, reloads can be a bit slow...)

Cowboy '4xWrangler' and one of his tools of the trade.

Kris locked on target

VAPA Practical - Shooting 'weak hand only' 

'Strong hand only'

The club has also been able to get a few of the long term jobs off the list of things to do: Get running water on site, do major earthworks, run new power supplies to all of our ranges and new club house, and just generally make the place feel nice and clean.

We've finally got members who have access to some serious machinery. 
A big shout out to Ross for donating his time and fuel for this working bee.

Tidying up of the side wall between range 1 and range 2.

Before shot: Bye Bye old long drop!
After (it was cleaned up a bit more after these shots was taken)

Neat and Tidy

Trev on the trencher running new power conduit to the target frames

The club now has a power supply to each of our ranges for future use. 
A huge thanks goes to Trev, Ross, Shane and Cynan for their labour, and to the club's electrician Damien. We couldn't have done it without you guys! 

We have a new club house. 
Boasey managed to get us this very neat looking second hand garage for the cost of relocation. 
Great work by everyone that was involved in pulling it down, setting out foundations and pouring concrete, and re-erecting the shed.

It's great having a licensed sparky who is willing to donate his services to the club. 
Show Damien some appreciation by checking out his facebook page and website

Following on from our Spring family fun day at Bunnings in 2017, we managed to get on the BBQ list. The first BBQ we did made more profit for the club than we would have made in the previous 5 years.... The second BBQ was even better.

The club manages to get at 4 BBQ's a year at Yarrawonga, which is an amazing fundraiser for us. 
2 BBQs allows us to cover all our annual costs: Rent, rates, insurance, annual reporting, targets and patches.

And as always: We're having a blast!

Visitors are able to try handgun shooting under supervision without needing a license, so if you're interested in coming out to the club and having a shot or two, feel free to drop us a line. Make sure you add your mobile phone number to the message: It saves a lot of time when making contact; A 5 minute chat over the phone is a lot quicker, easier, and relays more information than playing 'email tag' over a number of days.

Till next time...

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